How to increase male strength at home.

Male strength is considered the main advantage during fertility of the stronger sex. Conventional wisdom says, "Young people love hooligans, young people love rich people, old people love reliable men. "Only one thing does not change, all women love male strength. The lust for power is an ancient feminine instinct that cannot be erased from the genetic code. In modern society, male power is understood as sexual energy, potency. How to strengthen male strength at 25, increase and prolong at 45-50 and maintain at 60-70. Find it now.

What is male strength, how to understand?

Male strength is determined by the level of specific androgens - male sex hormones in the blood. The most famous androgen is testosterone. Its presence in a man's body is genetically determined, and the level within the normal range depends on hereditary factors. The level of testosterone determines the male behavior of a person, the severity of secondary sexual characteristics. A broad and original definition of what male power is in folklore. It sounds bordering on decency, but it has a deep meaning.

Male power is what makes a woman scream at night and laugh during the day.

We agree that it is worse if a woman "laughs" at her partner's slowness at night, but she screams and gets irritated by everyday trifles during the day. A woman, without a powerful portion of sperm on the inside and a bit of accumulated estrogen on the outside, is a wayward and misguided creature.

How Women and Men Understand Male Power

Sex is an intimate relationship between two people. Consider the opinions of both sexual partners. Interestingly, they are different. We present the results of a relevant sociological survey of men and women on the topic What is male power? How the different halves understand it. First, the opinion of the men, and then important clarifications of the women.

  • High levels of testosterone. The level is determined by heredity, within the physiological norm. Testosterone levels below or above normal are abnormal. The normal level of the hormone is sufficient to excite and please a woman. Broad bone, powerful muscles, short stature, hoarse voice, hairiness have nothing to do with male strength in bed. Secondary sexual characteristics can please and even arouse a woman, but nothing more.
  • Big penisA great "friend" is certainly good, but the strength of a female orgasm, its magnitude does not affect much. For the most part, the size of a man's penis is a nice addition to the first or second intimate date.
  • The ability to perform simple movements for a long time. O-O-O-O-O la-la, to say the least. Yes, five to ten powerful shocks "activate" the vagina better than a hundred or two hundred tedious rubs for an hour.
  • Powerful erection. Both groups agree with this. All female and male fantasies are linked to an erection. An erection is as much testosterone as the size of the penis and the ability to blow the roof off with prolonged screams and moans of happiness.

Thus, according to both groups surveyed, the male erection is a force that helps men to control the behavior of women during the day and is attracted at night.

a woman in bed with a man who strengthened potency

Causes that reduce male strength

Let us put aside the opinion of the ladies of Balzac's time that the masculine force is in the care of the family, the woman and the children. This is an important aspect of male behavior, but it has nothing to do with the subject of the article. We are talking about a specific force that must be conserved and that can be lost. A man reaches his greatest strength around the age of 25. Then there is a gradual extinction, after about 45 years. Some people manage to maintain male strength until the age of 60-70.

Reasons that negatively affect male potency

Stress and depression are emotional stress. Chronic experiences greatly inhibit a man's sexual health. Sometimes the experiences add to the pathogenesis and completely turn off libido and male power.

  1. Excessive physical activityAlthough physical activity has a positive effect on a man's potency, it provides blood flow to the pelvic organs. At the same time, monotonous hard work under chronic stress causes premature wear and tear on the body, therefore, male strength fades on average 5-10 years faster.
  2. Steroid hormones, their level in the blood of a healthy man is within the physiological norm. The level inevitably decreases with age.
  3. Chronic noncommunicable diseases. The main, the most famous is hypertension. High blood pressure and certain high blood pressure medications block male energy. Other diseases that reduce potency. Prostatitis: inflammation of the prostate gland in men, often occurs between the ages of 40 to 45 years or older. Mumps transferred in childhood. Male weakness is one of the hallmarks of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
  4. Chronic infectious diseases. Complications of sexually transmitted diseases, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia lead to early impotence.
  5. Bad habits. The most famous habits are drug addiction, smoking and alcoholism. A lesser known cause that greatly inhibits potency is overeating. More precisely, the threat of premature loss can occur with obesity.
  6. Age threshold. Physical extinction is the inevitable result of life. After a certain age, usually 60 to 70 years, a break in sexual activity leads to an irreversible loss of male power. In some men, these processes can develop much earlier, even between the ages of 35 and 45.

The greatest damage to male strength can be caused by the combined factors mentioned above. Male strength at an early age of 20-30 years does not require correction, hormones overflow. Problems with decreased potency start after about 30 years, some earlier, some later.

How to increase male strength in your 30s - 40s

The maximum power in a healthy man appears around 20-25 years. In addition, catabolism processes are gradually activated. Stimulate male vigor at an early age carefully, avoid strong drugs. To increase and maintain, there are enough folk remedies and special exercises.

Folk remedies to maintain male strength

At home, to improve potency, preparations based on herbal raw materials are used. Traditional medicine is based on the centuries-old wisdom of herbalists. Plants used to increase male strength under 30-40 years.

  • The root (rhizome) of ginger is the most famous folk remedy for increasing a man's cravings for a woman's body. In Ayurvedic cuisine, it is used raw, dried, pickled. Broths, tinctures are prepared as a means to increase erection.
  • Horseradish. It is recommended in the form of a vigorous homemade kvass infused with horseradish root. Drinking a glass at night helps almost all healthy men who experience increased stress in their sex life.
  • Grass of San Juan. Fermented tea infused with St. John's wort is recommended for stress, to maintain male strength.
  • Blooming Sally. Boiling water infusion helps well with reduced potency, with prostate adenoma, prostatitis.
  • Eleutherococcus. Eleutherococcus tincture or tablets is a pharmacopoeial drug. It is sold in pharmacies.
  • Ginseng. A preparation based on ginseng, an excellent adaptogen, has a pronounced stimulating effect on male strength.
  • Castoreum. The only animal product on the list. This is the name of the beaver stream, the secret of the male beaver's musky gland. Apply to increase male strength in the form of an alcohol tincture.

Exercises to increase male strength

They are divided into general and special physical exercises. Basically, both types of exercise build endurance and male strength.

  • Kegel gymnastics for men. Exercise system to strengthen and stimulate the pelvic floor muscles, improve blood flow in the corpus cavernosum of the penis. Helps increase endurance in bed, exercises have been developed for men and women.
  • Planck exercises. Gymnastics system to pump the press and the muscles of the pelvis, hips and buttocks. When done correctly, the effect of male power is achieved in love relationships. The exercises are designed for both men and women.

How to strengthen male strength at 40-45 years

Gray hair on the beard, the devil on the ribs. So they say about the midlife crisis. During this period, desire lags behind opportunities. Young women in their 25s to 30s still do not refuse to be intimate with an imposing 40-year-old man with noble gray hair. Although misfires happen more and more frequently. How to improve the strength of a man, so that the possibilities reach the magnitude of desire.

Products that rapidly increase potency in men.

A young, elastic, firm, round body still excites an aging womanizer. Meanwhile, there are alarming signs of weakening male strength. Sometimes there are misfires, the erection falls during intimacy, the penis does not rise enough before the act, the end is postponed or not completed. Also, after 40 years, male sores accumulate: prostatitis, adenoma, hormonal disorders. During this period, a man can do without stimulant drugs for some time. Limit the use of stimulating foods.

List of foods that stimulate desire, improve male strength.

  • Seafood (oysters, mussels, shrimp, squid);
  • Saltwater fish (stingray meat, shark fins);
  • Meat (rabbit, beef, lamb);
  • Greens (celery, parsley, spinach, dill);
  • Fruits, vegetables (avocado, pomegranate, figs, cabbage, beets);
  • Nuts (pine, walnuts, hazelnuts).

At the age of midlife crisis, you need to remember the restrictions on the use of some foods from the list for chronic diseases.

Medicine to increase potency in men.

In some cases, to increase male strength, it is necessary to use drugs as monotherapy and in combination with dietary supplements of dietary supplements.

  • Substances that inhibit the action of the phosphodiesterase enzyme (PDE). In a simplified form, inhibition (inhibition) of PDE 5 leads to a violent rise, with an increase in blood pressure. That is, under its action, there is a selective filling of venous blood from the corpus cavernosum of the penis. Scientists have synthesized three types of PDE 5 inhibitors.
  • Substances that enhance the action of an enzyme called ATP synthase. This group of dietary supplements is available for hypertensive patients, since blood flow to the penis occurs by a different mechanism, without increasing blood pressure.
  • Selective alpha-2 blockers. Preparations based on it improve spermatogenesis, increase potency due to the selective inflow of venous blood to the pelvic organs. In some cases, instead of improving psychological mood, it can lead to depression.
  • Non-selective alpha-2 blockers. They do not selectively relieve the body's vasospasm, which increases blood flow to the body's capillaries and arterioles. The appointment is discussed with the attending physician.
  • Androgens. Only as directed by your doctor. Analogs of male sex hormones. It is used exclusively for the loss of male strength due to a decrease in testosterone levels in the blood. In other cases, it can, on the contrary, lead to impotence.
  • Serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Serotonin is a by-product of an amino acid, the informal name for the mood hormone. Drugs improve male strength, mainly due to psychological problems.

How to quickly regain male strength at 60-70 years

For male strength, 70s are critical. On the one hand, age-related physiological problems accumulate from the aging of the body, the fading of functions. On the other hand, chronic pathologies are intensified (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, prostatitis and many others). After age 60, male power must be protected. Irregular sex at this age is dangerous due to irreversible extinction. All appointments must be arranged with the treating physician. Kegel exercises at this age are perhaps the only way to increase male strength without consulting a doctor. The principle of the exercise is to periodically tighten and relax the muscles of the buttocks. Regular repetition for 10-15 minutes daily is an effective way to prolong male vigor. The inclusion in the diet of nuts, foods with moderate potency stimulation prolongs sexual activity.